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Read about each of the squad members and learn more about their roles with APS and their own experience with the paranormal. 

Meet the Team!

Brooke and Elizabeth - co-founders of APS



Brooke is one of the co-founders and lead investigator for APS. She first got interested in the paranormal after watching Ghost Hunters with her dad. As soon as she was able to drive she was going out to visit haunted locations around her hometown. Her first few investigations were done at a small cemetery outside of town that was known for its dark past and paranormal activity. From there she developed her skills and knowledge of the paranormal and is now one of the driving forces behind APS. Brooke wants to help people understand the paranormal and to feel safer in their own homes. 





Elizabeth (24) is the other co-founder and lead investigator for Anderson Paranormal Squad. She is our Pagan expert and provides the pre-Investigation protection, and post-investigation cleansings. Her first start in the paranormal happened with a personal experience she had not too long after her grandmother passed away. Elizabeth's first investigations consisted of cemeteries with her friends, and single investigations of some of the homes she lived in. With these investigations, she honed in on her paranormal investigation skills and knowledge. Elizabeth wants to be able to prove that there is a life after death. Her ultimate goal for the team is for them to become a group well known for its diversity and great evidence and experience.



Kelli is the case manager for APS. She first became interested in the paranormal after having a personal experience at a young age. 




Ben is new ghost hunting and is an investigator in training for APS. He is ready to learn the in's and out's of ghost hunting and to become a key member for the APS team.







Abrina is new to paranormal investigating. She is not only an investigator in training, but is also one of the main researchers. She is ready for her excitment and paranormal investigation dreams to become a reality. Abrina is one of the most eager team members and is always available to join in on investigations.



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Barbara (Barbie) 

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