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Anderson Paranormal Squad started as just an after thought between two friends who really wanted to turn their passion of ghost hunting into a normal reality. The group is made up of people who have their own paranormal experiences, or just have a drive to discover what else may be out there. APS uses different methods, and equipment to try to catch, or debunk paranormal claims. They understand that not every claim is actually the paranormal and may just be something out of the ordinary. They perform investigations at homes, businesses, and outdoor areas. They come from several different religious backgrounds, ranging from Christians to Pagans.


We are based out of Anderson, Indiana and our investigations are free of charge. We do understand that it can be difficult to ask for help in this sort of situation and we respect your privacy in this matter. Anything we find will not be published without your consent. 

About APS 

Our mission is to assist the public in investigating paranormal occurances. Our hope is to find hard evidence to prove that there are forces after death and that they want to let us know they're there.





As a new group we are currentlylow tech right now, mainly using cameras as well as video and audio recorders. We are adding to our equipment at every opportunity so we can better investigate claims of the paranormal. 



Our methods include using camera, video, and audio equipment to attempt to catch anything we may experience.


We do have some Pagan methods that we can offer. We can go through these at the initial meeting and determine if any of them will be used based on your comfort level.



We do offer Pagan cleansing rituals to help rid of the entity. Cleansing rituals can range from a Saging ritual to stones or other spells. These cleansings are offered, but not done unless the customer wants it. We can go over the specific types of rituals and the customer can choose one, or decline the offer all together.


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